Speech and language therapy Singapore
Speech and language therapy Singapore - this is the main topic of our article, if you are interested in this issue, we encourage you to read the information contained in the text.
2019-08-22, 09:54

The Winstedt School at Singapore

We are a school that has been operating on the educational market in Singapore since 2008. We decided to focus on those students who have learning difficulties and are unable to find the right school and class in Singapore. We are a home to a passionate, diverse and caring community of students, caregivers, teachers, therapists, counsellors who believe every learning experience should be intuitive, imaginative and engaging. In addition, we believe that each of us, both 8 and 10 years old, have completely different ways to learn. And our task is to show them which of the ways will be right for them. Among other things, speech and language therapy Singapore is used for this

Speech and language therapy Singapore

We believe that with the cooperation of many methods and perspectives, as well as several specialists with professional knowledge, a child can fully use its potential. Our school has both Specialists Teachers, Occupational Therapists, Behavioral Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists
Counseling, whose task is to help students in the learning process through speech and language therapy Singapore and other therapies.

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