Private specialized education Singapore - Is it worth choosing it?
Is it worth choosing Private specialized education Singapore for your child? Check out our article.
2019-08-30, 12:04

Private or public school?

If you are a parent and your children are approaching the age at which they will go to school, you have certainly more than once discussed in family about which school you would like to send your child to. There is a lot on the school market. Both public and private. In the case of public in Singapore, which school the child will attend is decided by the exam. Parents have no influence either on the test result or on which school their daughter or son will be assigned to. This has several disadvantages. One of them is even the unknown distance between school and home. And it may happen that the child's school will be at one end of Singapore and the house at the other. For private schools, the parent and child have full freedom of choice. Are private schools better then? Not always, although there are cases in which private institutions outweigh public institutions in many respects. This happens, for example, when our child has learning difficulties, or when going to primary school does not speak English in speech and writing. Is private specialized education Singapore the only choice then?

Private specialized education Singapore

Private specialized education Singapore such as The Winstedt School has many benefits for our child. First, classes are smaller than in private schools. Parents can choose the school close to home if they so wish. Additional classes and individual approach to the student, his problems and expectations - this is a definite advantage of private schools, which are often international schools in Singapore.

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