The Winstedt - school for kids in Kallang
School for kids in Kallang what does teaching look like in our country? Read some interesting facts in the article.
2019-09-10, 11:46

School in Singapure

Did you know, that the start and end dates of a Singapore school year depend on the type of institution? In elementary and junior high schools, the school year starts at the beginning of January and ends in the second half of November. It is different in upper secondary schools - here the first day of classes usually falls at the beginning of February and the last classes start learning in January. In addition, the education system in Singapore is divided into private and public. Winstedt school for kids in Kallang is a small, private institution that aims to teach children, who have learning disabilities.

School for kids in Kallang

According to a Pearson report, the Singaporean education system is one of the three best in the world in which the language of instruction is English and the basis is usually the British curriculum. Winstedt also based the curriculum on the British curriculum. There are two teachers at each student's disposal, durring the classes, which favors an individual approach to teaching. To get to know school for kids in Kallang better, it is worth going to one of the open days, the closest will take place on 19 September.

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