Counseling children with special needs and other ways to solve problems
Counseling children with special needs - why do we think this is one of the ways to help students? Read in the article.
2019-05-29, 14:19

Children's learning problems

The learning process and education itself can be a very stressful time for a child, as not every child is able to absorb information in the same way. Depending on the child's character or its genetic conditioning, children learn in different ways. Some are visual, others like to repeat some words or formulas aloud, others learn by reading monotonously text that contains important information for the child. There are only a few ways to learn, the most popular ones. In private schools in Singapore such as Winstedt, the staff tries to understand children's learning problems and also help them deal with them. One of the activities teachers take is counseling children with special needs.

Counseling children with special needs 

The Winstedt school uses a lot of teaching aids that are designed to not only determine the child's problems related to learning but also to deal with it. This is, among others, integrated therapy or just counseling children with special needs. Thanks to this conversation with a specialist, problems are identified in order to adopt an appropriate strategy, which in turn is aimed at helping our students.

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